Instagram doesn’t let you organize your photos into folders or anything, so I’ve decided to collect my photos of myself on this blog. Gaze upon them in all their compressed glory!

This was me attempting an artsy fartsy photo. I failed.

This is the kind of smile that I make just before I bite you.

I wore these butterfly earrings to my high school prom.

Don’t take picture of yourself when you are tired or having an allergy attack.

I don’t remember why I was standing on a tarp or why I was wearing that bandaid.

I don’t remember why I was up this tree.

I don’t remember why I threw my boots out of the tree.

I made this cat ear hat all by myself.

President’s Choice pop is the best.

I got this bruise from carrying a heavy grocery bag.

I had to eat a bunch of Popeye Cigarettes last year, because no kids came to my house.

This is me all dressed up to walk my dog in the rain.

Man, my pupils are huge.

I really like these bug rings. I wear them all the time.

I burnt my wrist on my dead grandmother’s crappy ancient oven.

A bunch of wild strawberries grew on the driveway this year.

I don’t know whether I like this necklace better with the rings…

…or without.

Look at those awesome curtains. They’re so awesome. It’s awesome.

I’m always smirking about something.